Penair Oldies - Dartmoor - 1st September 2012

Dartmoor - 1st September 2012

As many of you must be aware by now - I have undergone a radical change in direction! Although still legally "Clive" I am now living (and will soon be working) as "Claire"

The other Oldies have been brilliant, Neil - Steve and John have all accepted without question this new direction for me and continue to offer support where need for my family - for which I can only thank them. I won't go much beyond that other than to say any relevant updates of change sto name etc will appear on my own Blog at:

So, Steve myself and Neil met up on Dartmoor on the 1st September (John  unfortunately couldn't make it). It was the first time they had met "Claire" and neither of them treated me in any other way than they usually would! Or in other words - I was at the receiving end of their jokes before - why would that change now???

What follows are a few photos of the day - for more photos check my flickr feed at: or follow Steve's at

All photos (c) C.H.Stocker 2012

Big thanks to Steve and Neil (and John for being there in spirit!)

All text and images (c) 1980 - 2013 Penair Oldies

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